





  • Most Frequently Asked Questions

    What is CYBERFARM?

    CYBERFARM is a decentralized application built on Pulsechain. The objective of the game is to buy and boost credits more frequently than other players. Credits fluctuate around the clock, giving you a daily average based on how many credits you have. Increase your standing in the farms by buying and boosting credits. The yield efficiency rate rises and falls as players boost credits or Cash Out.

    M O R E   C R E D I T S → M O R E   C R E D I T S   T O   C A S H   O U T

    Once credits are bought, they cannot be sold and the investment made to buy credits cannot be taken back. However, once bought, credits will not stop producing more credits to Cash Out. The price of credits will fluctuate over time, as you and other players buy credits, boost credits or Cash Out. To put it simply, the more demand for the credits, the more they will increase in value and the more yield they will produce. On the other hand, when demand decreases, so will the value of the credits and their daily return on investment.

  • What makes it different from similar platforms?

    CYBERFARM has several anti-dumping and anti-whale measures in place to ensure the sustainability of the project. Whales and dormant players will have much less impact on TVL and earning potential of other players. CYBERFARM aims to be around for a long time, unlike other platforms that get drained and disappear a week after launch. All farms are calibrated for sustainability and equal opportunity.

    The Cutoff Time is the amount of time it will take for your "storage" to be full of credits. Once it's full, it will stop filling until you've taken some action in the game. This is to prevent whales from letting their credits accumulate for a long time and cashing out all at once.

    The Cash Out cooldown time is the amount of time one has to wait before they can make another Cash Out (withdrawal). This prevents the contract balance from decreasing in value too fast.

    The Boost Counter is the number of times the player has bought. By default, the required boost count is 6, meaning a player will have to boost credits 6 times (once every 12 hours) before they can Cash Out and avoid the early Cash Out tax of 80%. This feature will ensure the longevity and stability of the project.

    To reward players who participate in the ecosystem, there is a bonus when you boost credits instead of cashing out. The bonus increases 2.5% each time you compound. This incentivizes users to compound more often, which will help boost the earning efficiency rate in the long run. To be able to utilize the "boost credits" bonus feature, the player must not Cash Out before the provided timer reaches 00:00:00.

  • What is the recommended strategy?

    The best strategy to increase your position in the farms is buying credits / boosting credits for 6 days and cashing out 1 day a week. This will increase your investment while at the same time increasing the daily yield earnings. This strategy has already been tried and tested by several projects and is proven effective both for the short and long term.